
Thank you for your interest in Cut-it Appetite Suppressant. We trust you have read all the contra-indications and possible side-effects associated with taking slimming aids to support weight-loss. It is essential that you discuss any change in diet with your doctor, as well as report adverse reactions immediately. Discontinue use if any discomfort is experienced.

Take one capsule early in the morning with a glass of water, either on an empty stomach or with meals. Please DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST even if you’re not hungry!

Drink 3 litres of water, the bulk of which within the first 6 hours of taking the tablet. Do not exceed the daily dosage. You’ll find yourself thirsty and could experience a dry mouth within a day or two of taking the first Cut-it tablets. Proper hydration and oral care is essential. You might sweat a bit more than usual or experience slight giddiness or even headaches. This should dissipate within a few days. Follow a 'five days on, two days off the tablets' routine. This is IMPORTANT to maximize your weight-loss success. Take a 2-week break inbetween courses.

Stick to a routine of 3 balanced meals per day and 2-3 healthy snacks inbetween meals. This could be an apple and a handful of nuts, or some Provita and cottage cheese. Take care to adopt new, healthy habits while on the course to prevent reverting to old, unhealthy habits once off the product. Cut-it is meant to be a boost to weight-loss and not a long-term solution.

PLEASE do NOT skip meals. Apart from disrupting hormone levels causing metabolism interference, you will experience uncontrollable hunger later in the day with the potential to sabotage your weight-loss efforts.

You might initially experience increased energy or feelings of heightened excitement and/or sleeplessness, but this should soon dissipate after a few days.

Please understand that by accepting the order, you are agreeing to the following:
  • By taking delivery of the product we accept that you have discussed the use of Cut-it with your doctor; are fully aware of the contra-indications/side-effects associated with using slimming aids; and take full responsibility for the use thereof.
  • We offer no guarantee as to weight-loss expectancy or offer any money-back guarantees. This product is intended as an aid to weight-loss and should be taken as part of a healthy, calorie controlled eating plan and moderate exercise routine.
  • Not for long term use. A recommended “4 week on, 2 week off” schedule is advised until the desired weight-loss is achieved, with a gradual “weaning off” programme towards maintaining optimal weight. Use to not exceed a period of 2 years.
  • You have read and agree to the ‘Disclaimer’ as contained in this document and agree to use the product entirely at your own risk.

The information contained in these web pages is not intended to replace the advice of your health care professional. It is is of a general nature only and not intended as a substitute for professional health advice. No person should act in reliance on any statement contained in the information provided and at all times should obtain specific advice from a health care professional. The web administrator has made reasonable efforts to ensure that the health information contained herein is accurate and up to date and to the extent permitted by law, accept no liability (even if negligent) for any injury, loss or damage caused by reliance on any part of this information.

Before you send us your order, note that we accept that you have read and agreed to the following:

YES I have read the list of ingredients and I am aware of the contraindications and possible side-effects associated with taking slimming aids.  

YES I have consulted with my doctor and have, to my knowledge, no pre-existing condition that should prevent me from taking Cut-it Appetite Suppressant.

Cut-it! Because you can.